VigneVigne su blu - Vines on Blue

Collection > Designs and Patterns > Vigne - Vines > Vigne su blu - Vines on Blue

Since the times of the Etruscans and Romans, the pleasures of the grape have been celebrated in the arts. So to continue the tradition, we have created this design of small bunches of grapes hanging from the vine. A beautiful balance of green grapes, leaves and little mauve / blue grapes.

Vines on Blue

Vigne su blu - Vines on Blue

Code: VGN002
Price level: GOLD.
(Actual cost depends on price of chosen pieces.)

Recommended for:
Tableware - n
Decorative pieces - y
Kitchenware - y


Shape: DP29 Dinner plate 29 
Shape: DP29
Dinner plate 29

Animali (ANM) For further information and to order
Due to the characteristics of monitors the colours in images may vary from the original ceramics pieces.
Copyright © 2009 Rampini Ceramics (all text and images).